Photos were supplied by Lee Shin and Adrian Hung.
Posts tagged 孔教學院
Robert Chu’s celebration trip in Hawaii
It was around early of June this year that we decided to take a trip to Hawaii to celebrate my daughter’s graduation from medical school (Dr. Esther Chu, MD). Hawaii was the only place we could go without a lengthy quarantine. Still we needed to have a negative 72 hour COVID test result before departure from the mainland. We got the QR green code and passed the check points in Oahu.
The flight from Oahu to Big Island was short, took only 45 minutes. The first three days we stayed in the resort were shown in the pictures below. We went to see Manta rays in the first night. With the big flood light in the middle of the ocean, everyone held onto the float. The Manta rays swam so close that you could see their belly. Next day, we went snorkeling around Kilo.
Again, we rode there with a small boat (sorry, we did not have any pictures) — we had to take the sea sick pills prior to get there. |
Then, the following days, we went to do the zip line with guys who ensured our safety in hanging to the cable, zipping among the tree tops and walking on suspension bridges with deliberately missing steps in between to add excitement to the “walk”.
On the last day, we went to drive the all terrain vehicles (ATV) with no windshield. We breathed in dust and by the time we finished the driving, we only had nothing but running noses— allergies.
Before flying back to the mainland, we spent just a few nights in Honolulu to eat and drink (not wine). All and all, Hawaii is a relaxing place to have a break from the lock down.
劉素清, Mary 大嶼山環島遊
講起旅行呢,香港人好雀躍嘅! 香港人話,聽下就可以囉,點樣去呀,而家呢個時勢。而家去街都驚呀!入餐廳都驚呀,點去呀? 講就易,又未通關,其實好難嘅!
兩個月前,我忽發奇想 ,旅行之嗎,冷氣巴士 旅行也行得通。所以, 這兩個月 ,每天我飲完早茶,就去 遊冷氣巴士河 。每天,也是差不多使用 港幣十元 , 就可以遊玩一個早上,大概五個鐘啦,行五轉車,可以遊曬我想去嘅地方。下午二時回家做家務,時間也充裕。做晚餐時,心情也輕鬆。生活很開心,有車坐,有得食 ,不需要導遊嘅。想食嘢,隨時都可以食啦,請你試試吧!
這天,Mary 到大嶼山環島遊,路線:沙田E42到東涌轉11號巴士到大澳, 然後1號巴士到梅窩, 再坐渡輪返回中環。結算車费為8元港幣。超超值!
以下是Mary 的影片, 請欣賞:
歡迎各位参觀Mary 的網誌:
In memory of our teachers
We receive a message from Grace Tsang on May 25, 2021 saying that Ho sir 何敬謙老師在澳洲柏斯Perth逝世。
Jeff Chan | The memories of Ho Sir sharing his knowledge and wisdom while we were growing up will remain forever in our hearts. |
Patience Lyons | I will always remember Mr. Ho. May Mr. Ho Rest In Peace. Condolences to the family. |
Wong Tak Kwong | May our respectful Ho sir rest in peace, and my condolences to his family. |
Chau Hoi Kit | 永遠懷念💖尊敬的何老師!記憶中他還是第一代ICAC工作人員! |
Joyce Jern | Mr Ho will be greatly missed but his kindness and gentle spirit will be with us forever! |
Angela Or | 想何Sir 在澳洲生活很好;還記得Dr Cheng 很欣賞他,在早會時說他勤力有幹勁(類似的話😅) |
Clara Ho | RIP |
May Kwok | RIP 永遠懷念! |
Mary Lau | RIP 永遠懷念! |
Robert Chu | 他教什麼呢?我不認出他。 |
Adrian Hung | 教economic? |
Chau Hoi Kit | EPA |
Tak Kwong Wong | 對,是EPA,我們當時叫 Economic and Public Affairs. 不過我記得當時文科 EPA 和地理是蕭sir所教,何老師可能是教理科班,不知對否? 這已是半世紀之前的事我已記不清楚了。老實說我當時對 EPA 也不大感興趣,但相反我兒子是在密芝根大學主修經濟畢業,這大學也是以經濟在世界出名。 |
Robert Chu | 我可能也算是那班对EPA 沒有興趣。畢竟,何老師留下許多美好回憶。事實上,每位老師也对你我影響很大。感恩! |
Jeff Chan | I can’t agree with you more, Robert. |
Chow Ho Wai | 如果我沒有記錯,何老師應該是教完我們F3(?) 後就離開了大成中學的。 |
Jeff Chan | I believe you are correct !He taught us the basic understanding of the significance of economic in our society. |
Adrian Hung | My narrow escape
Before our exam in School, boys had to take the chairs from the classroom to the Hall while girls took the chairs. We were warned not to run along the corridors in school and there would be penalty for those against the rule. At Form 2, after I took the first table to the Hall, I ran along the corridor to go back to the classroom to pick up the second table. Unfortunately Ho sir came out from a classroom suddenly and I hit his hand. He rubbed his hand and ordered me to see him at the hall after moving the second table. I knew I was in trouble and likely to be punished with a minor or major demerit. When I finished my task, I went to see Ho sir at the Hall with my head down and tears on my eyes. I said “Sorry Ho sir, please give me a second chance”. He said, “If I punish you with demerit, you won’t have the mood to prepare for the exam. Go home and study hard!”. I said, “Thank you very much Ho sir”. Ho sir was really kind and considerate! |
Irene Ko | I also have a story to share: At form 1 or 2, he once drove me home (not feeling well), accompanied by Miss Chan. I am not sure if the car belonged to him or the school. |
Simon Fan | So much more caring than just calling a taxi for you. |
Irene Ko | 哈哈!佢喺教務主任。Indeed. |
Jeff Chan | I recall I was appointed 班長by 班主任 Yeung Sir in Form 3B. After all these years I don’t know why…… |
Simon Fan | Yeung Sir repeated me in Form 1, and I know why. 😝 |
Grace Tsang | 他想見你多啲? |
Simon Fan | 😯😆 |
Jeff Chan | Right on !!! |
Cheung Wan Loi Roni | 大部份留班的都是男仔(包括我),我想男仔較貪玩,懶讀書。☺ |
Simon Fan | 🤣😂 很敬佩你顧家👍👍 |
Tak Kwong Wong | From my recollection both Ching sir and Yim sir had passed away many years ago. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. |
Jeff Chan | All things must pass, memories forever remain. |
Joyce Jern | Mr Ching was very good at stimulating students’ learning interest. Mr Yim was capable to drift many students into a dreamy afternoon. Anyhow, under Mr Yim’s guidance, 10 of us got distinction (A) in Chinese Language & Literature at the HK Cert of Education 會考 1971. |
Jeff Chan | I must admit I was more interested in after school activities than studying for exams….
I recall Mr. Yau Kin Ming had distinct interest in classical music. |
Robert Chu | What did the above teach as well as his name? |
Jeff Chan | I couldn’t remember exactly the subject he taught…. perhaps other classmates might remember….?? |
Adrian Hung | Mr Yeung taught Chinese and Chinese History? |
Chau Hoi Kit | And also taught F.2 boys handcrafts, such as baskets! |
Cheung Wan Loi Roni | F.1- F.3 Chinese. Mr. Yim taught F.4 – F.5 Chinese. |
Robert Chu | We were really blessed with all the good teachers. |
Jeff Chan | They turned our innocent mind into thinking like a lawyer. |
Chow Ho Wai | Not exactly, Mr. Yim taught us F3 Chinese when I was in F3B class. |
深圳一天旅遊 2016年11月3日
今日天朗氣清,風和日麗,早上氣溫20 度,午後23 度,極度適合郊遊。十四位團友準時在關口集合。食brunch 的金皇廷酒樓裝修豪華,地方寬闊,點心尚算精美。
東門是深圳最早的市集,有第一間的深圳戲院,更是全國第一間的McDonald 所在地。鄰近的京基100大廈,狀似鬚刨,樓高100層,現為深圳最高的樓宇。東門步行街現在是購物熱點,更是港人做窗簾及衣服的首選。亞Paul 在地下商場以驚喜價 ¥115買了支「容祖兒金咪」,值得慶賀。
下午茶時間,快餐店的雲呑麵不合格,雲吞不是用鮮蝦,麵身不夠爽,燒雞亦稍為過燶,唯送餐服務值得讚賞。到了大出血的Sams Club 時間,以團購方式買雲南雲耳,亦不忘參加各種試食。
全程坐了三次地鐵及兩次巴士。不計個人消費,三餐共用了約二千元(人仔)。沈正成同學其實亦已探明下次聚會之K場高歌,其中唱K 的消費和環境對比香港更具吸引力。我們隨意選了加卅紅作瞭解,它們在平日由中午12 時至晚上七時會員價豪華大房(可容10-12人)收費是¥90。食品和飲料自理。這¥90不是按小時計算而是整個時段,房間寛敞又有衛生間。因此我們願意進行實地驗證,稍後高國芬會在群組發出通知何時擇吉出發,歡迎大家踴躍參加。