Based on the information given by the classmates, Cannie Tong and Adrian Hung searched for MO Hui in all the bamboo and furniture shops in Queen’s Road East, Wanchai on 23rd May 2012. However, no one recognized him. We obtained further information from William So and Irene Ko that he resided in Hang Hau, Junk Bay about forty years ago. His home was close to a circular road junction and next to a church. Based on the information, his home was likely at Hang Hau Road. Irene also gave us a forty-something-year-old photo taken near his home. Adrian used Google Earth to check on every house in Hang Hau Road. He found one of the houses looked similar to Irene’s photo. See Below:
Back: 沈正成, 張運來, 蘇榮坤, 區彭深, 黎鉝榮
Front: 葉金榮, 許文安, 范榮洲, 黄念本, 陳建輝, 楊來發
We formed a team to search for MO on 18th July 2012. Team members included William, Irene, Clara, Cannie and Adrian. Although Hang Hau changed tremendously in these forty years, we found the place easily using advanced technology. We knocked on the doors of some of the houses, however, none of them knew MO. We were lucky to meet the Chairlady of the Incorporated Owners of the Village. She told us that there was a resident with a similar name. We exchanged our phone numbers hoping that she could give us good news.
We dropped notes and letters to some of the houses hoping MO would catch us up. We drove to visit Hang Hau Village and had our late lunch at East Point City. We talked about our old days.
William told us that a classmate of ours, S Chiang, married a pretty wife soon after his graduation. He worked very hard as a taxi driver in the day time and as a house caretaker at night. He bought a flat at Mei Foo Sun Chuen and enjoyed his romantic life with his beautiful wife. However, good days did not last long and life didn’t work out as smoothly as he planned. Chiang got kidney failure and died soon after.
In the evening Clara received a call from the elder sister of MO. We were too sorry to hear that MO passed away in February, 2011 due to gas poisoning while taking a bath at his home at Huanggang, China. Clara wanted to pay tribute to MO at his graveyard with a few classmates. However we could not have access to the graveyard without valid document. Unfortunately we couldn’t contact his wife up to this moment.
Clara wrote:
許xx姐姐告訴我, 她感覺你是他口中的亞蘇, 和其他的同學。
他的家人有太太, 2個女兒; 8歲和 1歲半
許xx靈位安放在: 深圳市布吉 ……..
如要探訪一定要由其家人同往, 因為她持有效証件(該館發証)