Photos were supplied by Lee Shin and Adrian Hung.
Posts tagged Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School
Our 45th and 50th Graduation Anniversary celebration
We were graduated from Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School in 1971 which is 50 years from now. We had an enjoyable day on 26th November 2021 to celebrate our 50th graduation anniversary in Lamma Island and then had a dinner in Causeway Bay with some other teachers and classmates.
Back to 5 years ago, we had a 45th graduation anniversary celebration on 26th October 2021. For details of the celebration, please refer to our previous article “An exciting memory for celebrating the 45th graduation anniversary” written by TK Wong. See below:
Some classmates proposed to have the videos on our 45th anniversary to be posted onto our website. The following are the requested videos. Please enjoy watching.
Photo video
Robert Chu’s celebration trip in Hawaii
It was around early of June this year that we decided to take a trip to Hawaii to celebrate my daughter’s graduation from medical school (Dr. Esther Chu, MD). Hawaii was the only place we could go without a lengthy quarantine. Still we needed to have a negative 72 hour COVID test result before departure from the mainland. We got the QR green code and passed the check points in Oahu.
The flight from Oahu to Big Island was short, took only 45 minutes. The first three days we stayed in the resort were shown in the pictures below. We went to see Manta rays in the first night. With the big flood light in the middle of the ocean, everyone held onto the float. The Manta rays swam so close that you could see their belly. Next day, we went snorkeling around Kilo.
Again, we rode there with a small boat (sorry, we did not have any pictures) — we had to take the sea sick pills prior to get there. |
Then, the following days, we went to do the zip line with guys who ensured our safety in hanging to the cable, zipping among the tree tops and walking on suspension bridges with deliberately missing steps in between to add excitement to the “walk”.
On the last day, we went to drive the all terrain vehicles (ATV) with no windshield. We breathed in dust and by the time we finished the driving, we only had nothing but running noses— allergies.
Before flying back to the mainland, we spent just a few nights in Honolulu to eat and drink (not wine). All and all, Hawaii is a relaxing place to have a break from the lock down.
A Weekend Trip in San Francisco Beach Front
It started with a little drive from a water front house which belonged to my sister-in-law. The drive took around twenty minutes because a lot of streets in San Francisco were closed for the cyclists. After arriving Presidio lodge, we took a walk around the perimeter of the facility, the old infantry training camp for the military during the World War II. Now, it is a hotel and not sure who owns it. The rental varies from three hundred dollars and up. That was where I took all the pictures including the decorations. From there, we drove to the nearby Golden Gatepark which was under the bridge. There were a few people did the wind surfing right under the columns support. After another walk, we then went to a Chinese restaurant for our dinner. The total steps we walked, if recorded, were around ten thousands. So, it was a good exercise plus outing for a short trip in the weekend.
在舊金山的Presidio Lodge 拍。這是公共椅子。 |
舊金山 |
這隻海豹要求更多雞肉 | 金門橋 |
這wind surf 像放kite | 從未見過這種植物會有花 |
這玩具是古董 | 大概Mary可以教他們種 |
在灣區中的一個海島以前是監獄 | Water color picture in the Lodge |
Another water color picture | Another picture which shows the Lodge was an original military camp |
Yellow jacket in the bush | Decoration in the Lodge |
Another real plant in the Lodge |
- 古典同心圓捧花
- 花藝設計之元素是線條,空間、質感,色彩,外形。
- 宴會桌面花飾佈置的技巧
表現形式上,由於就餐需要,因此,婚宴桌多探用高架型作花器,在花器上部插作半球形花飾, 共以常春籘或其他下垂式葉材,從花器上垂下來,增加線條美。桌面花不佔用太多平面空間,不會遮擋賓客視線,以直立形豎向造型為主,節省空間,滿足就餐空間需要。
My watercolor painting
Many of my paintings were inspired by Mr. Shibasaki’s watercolors channel on YouTube. I am interested in learning how to use colors for a vibrant drawing. Watercolor painting is a hobby that was started as something to do when I retired and it is both a challenging and rewarding medium. For me, a good painting can be done maybe one in five attempts. I am still learning to paint and like to share a few paintings that were done in the last five years with you. Hope you will enjoy them too. Thanks!
深圳一天旅遊 2016年11月3日
今日天朗氣清,風和日麗,早上氣溫20 度,午後23 度,極度適合郊遊。十四位團友準時在關口集合。食brunch 的金皇廷酒樓裝修豪華,地方寬闊,點心尚算精美。
東門是深圳最早的市集,有第一間的深圳戲院,更是全國第一間的McDonald 所在地。鄰近的京基100大廈,狀似鬚刨,樓高100層,現為深圳最高的樓宇。東門步行街現在是購物熱點,更是港人做窗簾及衣服的首選。亞Paul 在地下商場以驚喜價 ¥115買了支「容祖兒金咪」,值得慶賀。
下午茶時間,快餐店的雲呑麵不合格,雲吞不是用鮮蝦,麵身不夠爽,燒雞亦稍為過燶,唯送餐服務值得讚賞。到了大出血的Sams Club 時間,以團購方式買雲南雲耳,亦不忘參加各種試食。
全程坐了三次地鐵及兩次巴士。不計個人消費,三餐共用了約二千元(人仔)。沈正成同學其實亦已探明下次聚會之K場高歌,其中唱K 的消費和環境對比香港更具吸引力。我們隨意選了加卅紅作瞭解,它們在平日由中午12 時至晚上七時會員價豪華大房(可容10-12人)收費是¥90。食品和飲料自理。這¥90不是按小時計算而是整個時段,房間寛敞又有衛生間。因此我們願意進行實地驗證,稍後高國芬會在群組發出通知何時擇吉出發,歡迎大家踴躍參加。
Reunion dinner for Ms Helen Ho on 12th Dec 2014
Ms Helen Ho, our History teacher in Form One and Form Two paid her second visit to Hong Kong after emigrating to Canada for more than a quarter of a century (in 1988). A reunion dinner was organized with the joint efforts of coordinators of the graduates between 1968 and 1971 on 12th Dec 2014. Ms Ho’s husband, Mr Lee Fen Nyan, Ms Chan Chun Kum, our English, Mathematics and Needlework teacher, and about thirty students showed up and recaptured the memories of the good old days in Tai Shing.
Before the dinner began, Ms Ho spoke to all and shared her life experiences in Toronto over the past 26 years. She taught ESL (English as a Second Language) to emigrants from countries in the Middle-East and the Far East. Their interest was sustained and met regularly at Ms Ho’s place even after her retirement in 2007. Apart from teaching, Ms Ho also volunteers in the Church services, including Fountain of Love and Life; organizes Satir Model workshops and follow-up sessions for participants to ensure their continuous growth. She has been engaged in a wide variety of activities making her golden age rich and colourful.
Ms Ho was particularly pleased to meet students she had been thinking of but had not seen for decades (more than 46 years, like Lam Bing Fong who graduated in 1968, Leung Koon Kwan in 1970).